2005-02-23 , 3:26 p.m.

Dreams and Cats who Try to Sleep on Me, Or at least So Near to Me that It Wakes Me Up kept waking me up all last night. Then I woke up Early Before the Alarm, which I really Love after a Night like That.

So now I'm tired, and I'll stop capitalizing because I feel dissed by the Sandman. I guess, though he did actually bring me a dream.

Dear Mr. Sandman,

Please bring me a dream that won't keep me awake and doesn't have criminals, male friends watching me dress, stress over what to wear to the next dance, sweat because I was at the last dance, and existing for a weekend in a wall to wall dorm floor sleeping arrangement (though I believe I was sleeping in a bed).

The pink pants, however, were a nice touch. If only the shirt that went with them existed.

Thanks in advance,

Today after work I will try to take a nap, then we will eat, teach, and "stop by" a dance on the "way home" all in quotes because after driving a total of 2 hours and teaching for two hours do I really want to dance? By standing on the wall? Get your back up off the wall!

I suppose it's pre payback (paypre?) for tomorrow night when I'll be geeking out with the rpg game since M won't be around. muhahahahahaha. Mine. Friday too, unless I have a girl date. Which I probably do. Sat will see me going to the sis' place overnight and Sun I have supersecret rehearsal.

The past week was one of relaxing, even though I had Things to Do (sorry) each weekend day. I can stop anytime.

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