2004-01-05 , 4:17 p.m.

8675309 ee ine.

I remembered my password to diaryland. It's not the numbers above. I'm thrilled with myself.

The Break In A Scary News Format:

Issue 1: Went home for Xmas. Did Xmas. Stayed a week(!) and had a good time. Up for 3 sunrises. That hurt, and it wasn't on purpose. The Uncle kept his PJ's on and jumped up and down when we were opening presents. He is 52 (and taken, sorry lads).

Issue 2: Van acted up on the way home.

Issue 3: Because van acted up on the way home, we decided not to go to the giant dance event 8 hours away. Wise.

Issue 4: Because we didn't travel, we had 5 days with nothing planned.

Issue 5: Because we had nothing planned, we did next to nothing. The two things we did do were go to Uncle's on New Year's Day and go to brunch and Return of the King another day.

Issue 6: Next to nothing includes any of the following: playing Heroes, watching DVD's or TV, eating cookies, nuts and clementines for two meals of the day, laying in bed doing nothing.

Issue 6: I'm tired and quite hungry. No lunch today, really busy. Must walk home 2 blocks from bus in dark rain. Will eat a cat or whatever jumps into my hands in 1/2 hour exactly.

That's up to the minute folks. We aim to serve here at Thistall.

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