2003-05-19 , 9:39 a.m.

People who don't take their chocolate serious really piss me off. I mean, really, on a Monday morning do you want to subject yourself to a brownie/choc cake made from a MIX and CANNED ICING?? Mensch, mensch, mensch. I've got my Yorkshire Gold tea to keep me company. It thinks the same way I do. (Yorkshire tea: "Stick with me, baby, we'll go far!") Yeah it's good. Yeah sometimes I talk to it. But this is the first time it's talked to me...

It's pretty good. The best was the stuff I had on the small thicket of grass they call Harris in the Outer Hebrides. Dude, it's so cold there and windy, I totally understand how come they want a cup of tea or a wee dram upon reaching the indoors. Maybe both! I could write about rural Scotland for hours. I'm sure I will someday, but it would be neat if I was actually THERE and doing it. Sigh.

Last night we went to dance with the original Bandstanders - they all get together on Sunday nights in a bar in the Great Northeast. They call us 'the kids' and are so welcoming... We even met a couple that danced on Dance Fever... still stylin' after all these years. That sparked a fabulous Halloween costume idea: Danny Terio. I'm so there.

But first, I must increase my mad Photoshop skillz. I've got a tutorial book and a tricks book. That should set me up pretty well. I might buy another book I read a review on - the dept. must get rid of funds this time of year - so I can be even madder (Yorkshire tea: "You go girl!").

Yorkshire tea and I agree: our favorite blog of the mo is Mimi Smartypants (http://smartypants.diaryland.com/). I don't know how to make links on here yet - or rather, I haven't really looked into it. My style of learning Stuff I Have No Guidance On is thusly: 1. Find out what I have to do. 2. Start pressing buttons and clicking on stuff. 3. After a while, it'll happen. 4. Forget what exactly I did right before it happened. 5. Repeat steps 1-4 in two weeks when I have to do it again.

So anyway, one day I'll be adding links but until then you must cut and paste. (Yorkshire Tea: "C'mon let's go read smartypants!") OK Yorkshire Tea. I'm coming.

Ciao Bellas.

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